The Treasured Grave Of Rattus Norvegicus

The Treasured Grave Of Rattus Norvegicus


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Only Available In The Hut

Open the latch and explore the delicate and intricate world that is Treasured Grave of Rattus Norvegicus.

Rattus reclines luxuriously, spread akimbo over this luscious grove of many hidden secrets, gems and stones, trinkets and jewelery, and exquisitely preserved wonders of nature. Peek through the sunlit crack in his mossy log and find his crystal-encrusted hoard with bits of shining crockery and a gathering of tiny russet mushrooms. His spine and ribcage rest across a bed of soft moss scattered with glow-in-the-dark rose quartz spilling from a tiger-striped hollow snail shell. Dried baby’s breath, pussy willow, ivy, rose, and other flowers keep company with lichen and moss encrusted rocks over a lush bed of silver fox fur. Crowning above it all, Rattus’ skull perches on his log and holds tight to the last treasure of his life, a humble shell bead.

Several months in the making worth of dried curiosities, some extremely delicate little intricacies, and of course, my very first entire taxedermied skeleton, are all safely fixed and ensconced in this glass and walnut-stained 8x6x4-inch curio box to make this piece.

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Geoentomology Curiosity Box
